Established through a gift from Laura J. Feuerstein, MSW, and Irwin M. Feuerstein, MD, the Feuerstein Health & Wellness Information Center is a collaboration of Becker Medical Library, and the Washington University Wellness Connection. The goal of the center is to provide Washington University employees and students with convenient access to reliable and authoritative health information and raise awareness of programs and resources for wellness and healthy living that are available to the campus community.
Located on the main floor of the Bernard Becker Medical Library, the center features printed materials including pamphlets, handouts and books on a variety of popular health and wellness topics. The center also serves as a source for information on health and wellness programs and events available to the Washington University employees and students.
The scope of the Center has evolved to include other meaningful book collections that include a student-curated library entitled “Identities, Experiences and Perspectives” and a popular library of diversity, equity and inclusion books.