Feuerstein grant awardees playing at Dwight Davis Tennis Center with new equipment & court bookings.

Becker Medical Library, in partnership with the school of medicine’s educational programs, provides funding opportunities for student and trainee-led health and wellness initiatives.  Students, post-docs, residents and fellows can now apply for modest grants through Becker Library’s Feuerstein Health and Wellness Information Center to help them actualize ideas to support their overall well-being.  This can include initiatives that help groups attend to any of the many elements that contribute to well-being including physical, emotional/spiritual, social, community related efforts.  Examples might include, establishing a book club, setting up a narrative or reflective writing session, purchasing CBT, or sponsoring a recreational sport league.  It is also reasonable to request funding to enhance existing initiatives or to expand their reach to other student/trainee groups. 

For more information and to apply for funding, submit your idea through the application form.